Oh hi, Markdown

Markdown to a Website

🚫 No Git

🚫 No CSS

🚫 No pissing around with config files

Download for MacOS
The oh hi mark scene from the room
It's my face, Dom

Hi, I'm Dom

Product Manager and Professional Tinkerer

This project is my submission for the Sirge CodeJam 2024.

As a Markdown freak, I take all my notes, create all my documentation, even journal in Markdown.

But, there are time where is it annoying, of course because of other people. When I share a bunch of pages they can't view the formatted Markdown files.

This is because a lot of devices don't support it out of the box therefore, I have to put into Google Drive or some other nonsense.

So this project will take a folder with Markdown files, and just create a folder of HTML files and a home page with link to them. Ready to push to your flavour of hosting.

Now, are there bugs? Sure. But I built the whole thing in Flutter in 8 hours. On reflection, I wish I had deployed to web rather than a desktop app, but I have never done it before, so took it as an opportunity to learn.

You can view the project in my repo on GitHub

Much love
